The Fall Of Eea
The inhabitants of the forest world of Ikaeu have long held a deep bond with their God, Eea, through the trees, sky, and endless seas, but manifest in the mysterious ebony Monolith located within the equatorial deserts. The Eea Monolith is a provider of life, a healer of wounds, and a calming hand guiding the dark passageway of death. Yet, for those not of faith, its physical power remains unexplained, especially for the hyper-logical Danolians, who finally get the Ikaeu to allow a research expedition.
Taryn is a junior Danolian research assistant charged with discovering more about the Ikaeu and Eea. He is conservative, logical, and thoughtful, undertaking everything calmly and orderly. Unfortunately, he is partnered with Kai, a similar aged Ikaeu woman. Kai is not conservative, logical, or thoughtful and doesn’t undertake anything calmly and orderly. The partnership should be a recipe for disaster. And it is.
Their various misadventures bring them finally through the desert sea to the vast, foreboding Monolith. There, they find many answers, including the truth of Eea, what it has to do with Elohim, and finally, whether two opposite people can fall in love or kill each other.
Locations: Ikaeu