The Devil Inside
Aaró, leader of the Khoda, is determined that Walter and his Elohim shall not fall into the hands of the Infernus Heir. He sends the young Khoda, Ávarr, to Kenestra to bring back Walter by force, if necessary. Little did Ávarr expect that Lanzo and Jojo would return with him to Caelum. But, Ávarr’s ship is intercepted by the ruthless Khoda, Cabal, who jettisons Lanzo and Jojo into the frozen wasteland of the planet below. Only by working together will they survive. However, working together is not something Lanzo and Jojo do well.
Hiram and the Joaqui, Alicia, head to the planet Joaquima, hoping that the timeless but now destroyed world will provide Caelum’s location so they can rescue Walter.
Hating to be left out, Ochi and BakHa land on the oldest planet in the Universe, Edan, the home of the Angels. The world appears abandoned, crumbling from the weight of time, yet one inhabitant is hidden, waiting for eternity to seek revenge.
Meanwhile, Walter is brought before the Khoda in their fortress city. If he bears the Lost Elohim, he will be sacrificed. Can all his friends arrive and rescue Walter before the secret of his crystal is revealed?
And the ClashKa? Can this dreaded enemy finally be defeated?
Locations: Kenestra, Edan, Joaquima, Nivalis, Caelum