The Stars Are With Us
The ClashKa War arrives on Earth, and the first collateral casualty is Walter’s beloved mother. Hiram, a soldier broken and hollow from the death of his wife and daughter, feels little remorse in abandoning the injured boy to his fate. But Walter, and perhaps at the same time, Hiram, are saved by the whisper carried on the Wind, the whisper of Neya, his wife, asking him to remember the man she made with her life, not the man she made with her death.
At Hiram’s home, hidden in the massive Kenestra asteroid belt, Walter befriends the beautiful, feisty, independent Jojo and the analytical, conservative Lanzo. Their adventures soon begin, leading Walter to a mysterious, ancient temple buried deep in an asteroid. Hidden within is an Elohim, a crystal from the beginning of Creation. But this may not be any ordinary Elohim if such a thing exists. Instead, it could be the missing Elohim, the Deos Clevem, the Elohim that is the key to opening the Casket and letting the ancient Evil free.
Walter’s find alerts the Elohim Khoda on their homeworld of Caelum, led by their leader, Aaró, and the rogue, Ilana. But, even more concerning, the ancient nemesis of the Elohim, the Infernus, wielded by Baal Toon, has reappeared, and he has plans for Walter and the crystal he now bears.
Locations: Earth, Kenestra, Joaquima, Nivalis, Caelum, Imalddan